Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Old Photos of Singapore River

Last month I received another generous offer from a reader in Britain to share his collection of old photos of Singapore with us.

“During 1965 to 1967 I was fortunate to live in Singapore (I was fifteen when I arrived and seventeen when I left) my father being in the RAF was stationed there. During this time he was stationed at RAF Seletar but worked at JATCC (Joint Air Traffic Control Centre) at Paya Lebar Airport. On arriving in Singapore we lived at The New Country Hotel (which I think no longer exists) before moving to 5 Eden Grove, Singapore 19 for the rest of our stay. As far as I know the house still exists and is now a nursery.

During our time in Singapore my father took many slides which I am now scanning and transferring to my computer. Looking at images on the Internet, Singapore has changed beyond all recognition and with this in mind I would like to send you some images as I come across them that I think you might find interesting as after my day these images will no doubt be thrown away.”

Geoffrey Pain

On behalf of readers of Good Morning Yesterday, I thank you Geoffrey. Below are three of Geoffrey’s photos of the Singapore River.

While I am at it, I might as well show you some photos of the Singapore River from even further back in time; this time courtesy of Jacques Lahitte. You may recall that Jacques’ photos were taken by his father Antoine who visited Singapore sometime in 1951 or 52.


Icemoon said...

Photo 2 is a second shot of photo 4.

Lam Chun See said...

Oh yeah; I didn't notice. I should have arranged them next to each other. I suspect they must have been taken from the same bridge.

Lam Chun See said...

Maybe not too late to do a 'third shot'.

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Fantastic pics.

I was in the Sea Cadet as a school boy and remember the surrounding area in the Kallang Basin where we had our training.

Another book Chun See?

Brian and Tess said...

Geoffrey, very good photos and I reflected that spending 3 years or so in Singapore from aged 15 - 17 must have been a great deal of fun. I was somewhat younger and left in 1962 - perhaps you could send a blog or two about your time to Chun See for sharing with us - you will see that I did this a couple of years ago.

Brian Mitchell

peter said...

Photo#2 - the blueish behind the lone tree in the background = Chartered Bank Building (now #6 Battery Road). To the right white building is now UOB Plaza and somewhere more to the right where u see shophouses Market Street one time ran to the edge of Singapore River.

Motorcycle Parts said...

I think you might find interesting after my time in these images will no doubt be thrown away.

Motorcycle Parts said...

I was a little younger and was in 1962 - maybe you could post a blog or two about your time share with us Chun See - I did see a couple of years.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Sir! You were a Sea Cadet?

I'm a secondary school student,
and I'm from the
National Cadet Corps (Sea)!

I did some sleuthing previously,
and I'm pretty sure the Sea Cadet Corps is the daddy of NCC (Sea)~

We train at Kallang Sea Training Centre (KSTC). Us cadets kayak and even cutter-pull!

Probably near the Kallang Basin you mentioned
