"Good morning yesterday. You wake up, and time has slipped away. And suddenly it's hard to find, the memories you left behind. Remember. Do you remember?" - Paul Anka, Times of Your Life
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Strange Fruit
Can any tree expert out there please tell me the name of this strange fruit? This tree is standing beside an overhead pedestrian bridge along Braddell Road just next to the Kallang River.
Could the tins that are placed there got a purpose?? I saw something similiar like this hanging in some coconuts trees aroound a golf course in Johor. They hang a pail with some stick inside it... I believe it serves a purpose at the golf course, but not sure about the one shown in Chun See's photo.
Let me hazard a wild guess. Has it got anything to do with Chun See's wife being a Malaysian? As you may know, a tiger is to Malaysia as the lion is to Singapore. Cheers (not with a Tiger). Haha.
Photo of me and my dog Nappie from my kampong days (around 1967 or 68)
My book
Dear friends. If you’re in Singapore, you can purchase my book Good Morning Yesterday directly from me at only S$12.50. Message me with your mailing address and I will send the book to you. You can pay via Paylah or Pay Now. Thank you.
Good Morning Yesterday (Book)
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“We have to tell the Singapore story …. Parents and grandparents have a role to play. You have to tell the stories to your children, to your grandchildren to know not only what happened but how you feel about it.”– PM Lee Hsien Loong at 2006 National Rally.
Seiso is Cleaning (1) – The Importance of Seiso
The third ‘S’ in 5S is *Seiso*; and it simply means *Cleaning*.
*Example 1: Our beloved AR-15*
Many of us who have gone through NS (National Service) will ...
I know some people use adhesive to get high. Whoever is the culprit obviously took it literally.
Haha Victor, that's funny. But I think there's more to it (thana prank). That's why I hope someone can enlighten us.
Very intriguing. Don't look at me Chun See. I'm as puzzled as you are. :P
Could the tins that are placed there got a purpose?? I saw something similiar like this hanging in some coconuts trees aroound a golf course in Johor. They hang a pail with some stick inside it... I believe it serves a purpose at the golf course, but not sure about the one shown in Chun See's photo.
Let me hazard a wild guess. Has it got anything to do with Chun See's wife being a Malaysian? As you may know, a tiger is to Malaysia as the lion is to Singapore. Cheers (not with a Tiger). Haha.
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